2025 Lenten Mission

What is a Mission? A mission is a parish-wide spiritual “Retreat'” often lasting several days and frequently held during Lent. During the mission, an inspirational speaker invites parishioners into a deeper relationship with the Lord through prayer, reflections, music, and visual aids.

2025 Lenten Mission March 30 & 31

Weeds & Seeds:
Tending the Garden of Our Heart

We all have false idols that prevent a right relationship with God. We need rigorous self-examination to root out those weedy patches of our souls. As symbols of hope, seeds remind us that sacrifice is necessary to bear good fruit.

Volunteers are also needed to provide baked goods when St Vincent Pallotti hosts the mission on March 30. Please click the button below if you would be willing to provide 1-2 dozen treats. Treats can be dropped off at Mass on March 29/30 or brought when you attend this event!